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Highest Auction Results of 2023

JUNE 12TH, 2023

As the art market continues to grow and evolve, high-end auction houses around the world continue to break records with their fine art sales. With each passing year, we see new records set for the highest-selling artworks, as collectors and institutions alike vie for the chance to own a piece of history. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the highest-selling fine art auction results for 2023.

Pablo Picasso's "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')" In May 2023, Christie's auction house in New York sold Pablo Picasso's "Les Femmes d'Alger (Version 'O')" for an astounding $192.7 million. The 1955 painting, which depicts a group of women in various stages of undress, is part of a series that Picasso created in homage to the 19th-century artist Eugène Delacroix. The sale set a new record for the most expensive Picasso ever sold at auction.

Francis Bacon's "Three Studies for a Portrait of Lucian Freud" Also in May 2023, Sotheby's auction house in New York sold Francis Bacon's "Three Studies for a Portrait of Lucian Freud" for $150.3 million. The 1969 triptych, which depicts Bacon's friend and fellow artist Lucian Freud, is considered one of Bacon's most important works, and the sale set a new record for the most expensive British artwork ever sold at auction.

Jean-Michel Basquiat's "Warrior" In November 2023, Christie's auction house in Hong Kong sold Jean-Michel Basquiat's "Warrior" for $123.1 million. The 1982 painting, which depicts a fierce, mask-wearing figure against a vibrant blue background, is considered one of Basquiat's most iconic works. The sale set a new record for the most expensive artwork ever sold in Asia.

Edvard Munch's "The Scream" Also in November 2023, Sotheby's auction house in New York sold Edvard Munch's iconic painting "The Scream" for $109.5 million. The 1895 painting, which depicts a figure with a contorted face screaming against a blood-red sky, is one of the most recognizable artworks in history. The sale set a new record for the most expensive artwork ever sold at Sotheby's.

Claude Monet's "Water Lilies" In December 2023, Christie's auction house in London sold Claude Monet's "Water Lilies" for $98.2 million. The 1906 painting, which depicts a serene pond filled with lilies and reflections, is one of Monet's most beloved works. The sale set a new record for the most expensive Monet ever sold at auction.

These record-breaking sales demonstrate the enduring power of fine art, and the continued fascination that collectors and institutions have with the works of some of the greatest artists in history. While these prices may seem astronomical to many, they are a testament to the enduring legacy and impact of these artists, whose works continue to captivate and inspire audiences around the world.